Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 4 - Bloglines

Week 4 is kind of a quicky for me because I already have a Bloglines account. I opened the account shortly after starting library school (about 3 years ago). I used to read my feeds daily, but I have to admit that I rarely go to my Bloglines account anymore. There is just so much to read and so little time!! One of my Web 2.0 goals should be getting back into the habit of reading these.

I currently subscribe to quite a few library related feeds including: The Shifted Librarian, YALSA, PLA Blog, Library Web Chic, and, yes - Bonita Library Teen Space. I really need to get back into reading these, but who has the time? I share Ramona's sentiments that it is just so overwhelming (especially for something with "simple" in the title) Simple, and yet so extensive. Plus, Ramona gave a few more feeds that sound interesting to me in her recent post. How does one keep up?

Although it is a bit overwhelming I am really impressed with the power of aggregators (sp?) like Bloglines. They do so much of the work for us, even though one can only read so fast! When I was reading my feeds regularly on Bloglines I found that it really helped me keep up with goings on in the library profession. It is a very useful tool.

Here's a question worth looking into. How many people subscribe to library blogs?

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