Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 6 - Delicious

I opened a delicious account ( So far I have only added 2 sites to my bookmarks, but I'm sure that I will continue to add more now that I've seen how easy it is.

Delicious might be especially useful in my library where we do not have a specified computer from which to do reference. Since I never know what computer I'll be on when helping someone, it will be nice to have access to all of my favorite sites from the Internet.

I have added Sandy's and Lisle's bookmarks to my network. I know that Sandy has many useful reference sites bookmarked and I love that I can access all of these so quickly! The way I happened upon Lisle's is kind of interesting. I added a bookmark to my page (checking work webmail) and then it told me that one other person had also bookmarked this site. It turned out to be Lisle, so I added her to my network.

This is such a great tool. I use Firefox at home and was able to download the buttons that allow me to tag sites and/or view my delicious bookmarks with one simple click. I love it!

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